Rampant commercialism. Black Friday. Idiots fighting over TV sets at Walmart. Is anyone sick of the disgustingly selfish focus on commercialism? Barton F. Graf 9000’s Jerry Graf and TDA_Boulder’s Jonathan Schoenberg are. The two men who ran into each other at a recent industry event decided to do something about it. The two agencies have launched Bawx, a site on which, well, you can buy boxes. But with a twist. The boxes are both toys for children and a means of raising money for children’s charities Blue Sky Bridge in …
2 Ad Agencies Produce This Holiday Season’s Most Anti-Consumerist Toy: Give the gift of Bawx
Leave it to a couple of ad agencies to upend the holiday season with the year’s most radical toy. Independent shops Barton F. Graf 9000 in New York and TDA_Boulder in Boulder, Colo., partnered on a new business that sells a single item—a big, plain, heavy-duty, 2-foot-cubed, 100-percent-recycled, made-in-the-U.S.A., empty cardboard box. The Bawx is described on the website as “the perfect holiday gift for the 2-6½-year-old who would rather play with the box than what’s inside.” It’s a legitimate site, all proceeds from sales will go to two children’s charities: Blue …
By the Way from the Daily Camera promotes Colorado Gives Day
Tuesday, Dec. 4 is Colorado Gives Day, an initiative to increase philanthropy in Colorado through online giving. For 24 hours, donors will be able to make their charitable contributions go further at GivingFirst.org. All processing fees will be covered by the Community First Foundation, ensuring that 100 percent of donations go directly to nonprofit organizations. In addition, FirstBank will match a portion of donations with a $300,000 incentive fund. All you have to do to make a difference is visit GivingFirst .org, select the charity of your choice and donate. …
Blue Sky Bridge Hires Executive Director
BOULDER – Blue Sky Bridge, a nonprofit based in Boulder that provides services to abused children and their families, appointed Gina Earles as executive director. Earles has experience as a senior nonprofit leader as managing director of Engineers without Borders, CEO of Mothers and More Inc., and striving to provide Boulder with its first studio arts campus as the executive director and founding board member of Studio Arts Boulder Inc. Blue Sky Bridge provides forensic interviews, crisis intervention, counseling and referrals to abused children and their non-offending family members. Since opening in …