Donate securely and easily here. Your gift is critical in keeping our community’s children safe and healthy. If your gift is a tribute to a special person, let us know and we will be delighted to send an acknowledgement of your thoughtfulness. Please give today.
To purchase multiple By The Glass tickets, use the Custom Amount option, and type in $100, $150, $200, etc, based on the number of tickets you’d like to purchase, and include all guest names and emails in the comment box below.
$130 provides
1 family with critical support services during a child abuse investigation.
$350 provides
8 families with support group services to help non-offending caregivers process their child’s abuse.
$660 provides
6 trainings to a group of community members on child abuse.
$1,200 provides
1 week of forensic interviews to victims of child abuse.
$5,000 provides
Boulder County with trained Family Support Advocates to answer over 200 crisis calls for a year.
$10,000 provides
Sexual abuse prevention education to 7 third grade classrooms.