Can You Find the Pedophile in this Commercial?

June 6th, 2012 / Comments (0) Blue Sky Bridge, the only victim assistance agency in Boulder County that provides forensic services to children for whom abuse or neglect is reported, says child abuse remains a serious problem in Boulder County and throughout the state of Colorado. Research indicates that as many as 1 of every 4 girls and 1 of every 6 boys are sexually abused before age 18. In Boulder County, it is estimated that two new children are sexually abused every day. Creation of this spot to teach …

It is not easy to identify a pedophile

Posted by Marc | 6-06-2012 21:24 | Category:Abuse A very powerful PSA from Boulder County Colorado USA. The PSA is from Blue Sky Bridge, a prevention and intervention organization in the fight against child abuse. Research indicates that as many as 1 of every 4 girls and 1 of every 6 boys are sexually abused before age 18. In Boulder County, it is estimated that two new children are sexually abused every day. The spot is meant to teach parents how to protect their children from sexual abuse. The spot …

Longmont nonprofit produces PSA about sexual abuse

LONGMONT — His voice is soothing. He seems knowledgeable and versed in the art and craft of model rocketry. It doesn’t require much imagination to see how a child might easily end up at his knee, fascinated and engaged in the colorful hobby. But within 30 seconds of meeting the inmate at the Colorado Department of Corrections, he tells you he is a pedophile. His face is obscured. A 30-second public service announcement intended to educate the public about sex offenders who target children is scheduled to hit the airwaves …