Can You Find the Pedophile in this Commercial?

June 6th, 2012 / Comments (0)

Blue Sky Bridge, the only victim assistance agency in Boulder County that provides forensic services to children for whom abuse or neglect is reported, says child abuse remains a serious problem in Boulder County and throughout the state of Colorado. Research indicates that as many as 1 of every 4 girls and 1 of every 6 boys are sexually abused before age 18. In Boulder County, it is estimated that two new children are sexually abused every day.

Creation of this spot to teach parents how to protect their children from sexual abuse took about a year — and required assistance by Boulder County District Attorney Stan Garnett and cooperation from the Colorado Department of Corrections. Correctional staff helped identify potential offenders to appear in the spot, who were interviewed to determine suitability. TDA_Boulder filmed the ad during a single day at the correctional facility in Cañon City where the offender is housed. Neither the offender’s name nor the details of his criminal record are revealed in the public service announcement.

Powerful stuff.

Client: Blue Sky Bridge
Agency: TDA_Boulder
Creative Director: Jonathan Schoenberg
Art Director: Matt Leavitt
Copywriter: Jonathan Schoenberg
Production Company: Futuristic
Director / DP: Jasper Gray